Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

DQ 10_Art History II

DQ 10_Art History II

Q We have talked about art within its context this semester. Research the Dada movement. What was the context that this movement emerged from? How did this setting affect the ideas of the Dada artists? What was the main idea behind Dada art? How did this differ with what the Futurists were interested in?

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Dada art was a European movement that started in 1916 and was founded in Zurich. The context behind this movement was to raise the shock from the First World War and also because Switzerland was neutral. The main idea of the Dada artists was to express their thought against the First World War, against the traditional art, and against the bourgeoisie as well. They came to challenge the conventions of society and art as well and they believed in absolute nihilism. They did not see logic and causality as the tools for rational management of the world.